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Concussions & Tinnitus: What’s the Connection?

Woman with hands on her head suffering from concussion related tinnitus.

You know that scene in your favorite action movie where something blows up next to the hero and the sound goes all high-pitched-buzzing? Well, guess what: that likely means our hero sustained at least a mild traumatic brain injury!

To be sure, brain injuries aren’t the bit that most action movies linger on. But that high pitched ringing is something called tinnitus. Tinnitus is most often discussed in the context of hearing loss–but it turns out that traumatic brain injuries like concussions can also cause this particular ringing in the ears.

Concussions, after all, are one of the most common traumatic brain injuries that occur. And they can happen for a wide variety of reasons (car crashes, sports accidents, and falls, for example). How something like a concussion causes tinnitus can be, well, complicated. But the good news is that even if you suffer a brain injury that causes tinnitus, you can usually treat and manage your condition.

What is a concussion?

A concussion is a specific type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Think about it like this: your brain is nestled pretty tightly into your skull (your brain is large–and your skull is there to protect). When anything comes along and shakes the head violently enough, your brain starts moving around in your skull. But because there’s so little extra space in there, your brain may literally smash into the inside of your skull.

This hurts your brain! The brain can impact one or more sides of your skull. And when this occurs, you experience a concussion. (When you visualize this, it makes it easy to see how a concussion is literally brain damage.) Symptoms of concussions include the following:

This list is not exhaustive, but you get the idea. Symptoms from a concussion can last anywhere between a few weeks and a few months. Brain damage from a single concussion is generally not permanent–most people will end up making a full recovery. However, repeated or multiple concussions are a different story (generally, it’s a good idea to avoid these).

How do concussions cause tinnitus?

Can a concussion mess with your hearing? Really?

The question of concussions and tinnitus is an interesting one. Because it’s more accurate to say that traumatic brain injuries (even mild ones) can cause tinnitus–it’s not just concussions. Even mild brain injuries can result in that ringing in your ears. Here are a couple of ways that might happen:

It’s important to emphasize that every traumatic brain injury and concussion is a little different. Every patient should receive individualized care and instructions from your hearing specialist or provider. (Indeed, if you think you have experienced a traumatic brain injury or a concussion, you should get checked out by a medical professional right away.)

How do you treat tinnitus from a concussion?

Most often, tinnitus caused by a concussion or traumatic brain injury will be temporary. How long does tinnitus last after a concussion? Well, it may last weeks or months. However, if your tinnitus has lasted for more than a year, it’s likely to be permanent. In these cases, the treatment strategy transitions to managing your symptoms over the long term.

This can be accomplished by:

In some cases, additional therapies may be necessary to achieve the desired result. Treatment of the underlying concussion may be necessary in order to make the tinnitus go away. The right course of action will depend on the nature of your concussion and your TBI. As a result, an accurate diagnosis is incredibly important in this regard.

Talk to your hearing specialist about what the right treatment plan might look like for you.

TBI-caused tinnitus can be managed

A concussion can be a significant and traumatic event in your life. It’s never a good day when you get concussed! And if your ears are ringing, you might ask yourself, why are my ears ringing after a car accident? Or why do I have tinnitus from my car accident?

Tinnitus may emerge immediately or in the days that follow. However, it’s important to remember that tinnitus after a head injury can be successfully managed. So it’s important to talk to your provider or a hearing specialist about your options.

Want to talk to a hearing specialist about your tinnitus? Find a provider today.

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