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Should Musicians Wear Hearing Protection?

Close up of drummer's hands playing a drum kit. Drums are very loud, the player should be wearing hearing protection.

Musicians rock. They bring so much joy to our lives with their performances. The downside is that music is almost always loud–in fact, many people prefer it that way. Since musicians expose themselves to loud music on a daily basis, their hearing is at greater risk for being damaged.

Whether your livelihood depends on music or not, you’ll still want to be able to hear your favorite songs when you’re pushing 60, 70, or 80. For musicians, protecting their hearing is the key to a long and successful career. For the rest of us, hearing protection is key to a lifetime of musical enjoyment and enrichment.

Music is surprisingly loud

If you ask most people whether a jet engine is loud, they’ll likely say yes.

But what about music? If you ask someone whether an acoustic guitar or a lone violin is loud, they might not answer so quickly. Imagine their surprise when they discover the reality: that music is indeed loud! Even classical music can reach relatively high volumes that can easily damage your hearing.

A violin, for example, can produce sounds in excess of 90dB. That’s about as loud as a leaf blower. To put that into context, the European Union regulations dictate that any workplace louder than 85dB requires the use of hearing protection.

And if you’re working with music day in and day out, consistent exposure to that kind of volume–especially without hearing protection–can seriously damage your hearing over time.

How can you protect your hearing?

Okay, so know that you know musicians need to protect their hearing (especially not if they want to keep on rocking out for years to come). So what can musicians do to protect their ears and still enjoy the music they love so much?

Well, here are a couple of easy things musicians can do:

Wear hearing protection

Of course, the single most effective thing you can do to protect your ears is simple: wearing hearing protection of some kind. Many musicians are hesitant to wear hearing protection because they’re worried it will impact the quality of sound they hear–in addition to dampening the volume. That’s not always the case, depending on which type of hearing protection you choose.

Protect your ears–and protect your career

It’s never too late to take steps to protect your hearing–but it’s definitely a good idea to start sooner rather than later. With options available at just about every price point, there are easy ways for everyone to protect your hearing–and your future. Remember, hearing protection for a musician is an investment in your career. It’s one way to make sure you’ll be making amazing music for years (maybe even decades) to come!

Protect your hearing today! Don’t quite know where to start? Find a provider in your area to schedule a hearing test by searching providers near you.

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