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Medications Associated with Hearing Loss

Close up of colorful medications that can cause hearing loss.

It’s natural to want to know about the side effects of a medication when you start taking it. Can it upset your stomach? Will it give you dry mouth? Cause sleeplessness? There could also be a more severe potential side effect that you might not think of – hearing loss. Ototoxicity is the medical term professionals give this condition and there are many drugs that are known to cause it.

Exactly how many drugs that can lead to this problem? The answer is unclear, but there are plenty that are known to cause ototoxic symptoms. So, which ones should you watch out for and why?

What to know about about ototoxicity

How can a pill reap havoc on your ears after you swallow it? There are three different places certain drugs can damage your hearing:

What is the risk level for each drug?

The checklist of drugs which can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss might surprise you. Many of them you probably have in your medicine cabinet even now, and chances are you take them before you go to bed or when you have a headache.

Topping the list for ototoxic medications are over-the-counter pain relievers such as:

You can add salicylates to the list, better know as aspirin. The hearing problems caused by these drugs are normally correctable when you quit taking them.

Antibiotics come in as a close second for well known ototoxic drugs. You might have heard of some of these:

Tinnitus can also be triggered by several common compounds

Some drugs may cause tinnitus and others could lead to loss of hearing. If you hear phantom noises, that might be tinnitus and it normally shows up as:

Some diuretics can also lead to tinnitus, including brand names Lasix, Bumex, and Diamox but the leading offenders in this category are things like:

Each and every time you drink your coffee or black tea in the morning, you are subjecting your body to something that could make your ears ring. The good news is it should clear up once the drug is out of your system. Ironically, some drugs doctors prescribe to treat tinnitus are also on the list of possible causes such as:

Usually, the tinnitus will end when you stop taking the medication but always consult your doctor, they will know what’s best for you.

Ototoxicity has specific symptoms

The signs or symptoms of tinnitus vary based on your ear health and which medication you get.

Be on guard for:

Contact your physician if you observe any of these symptoms after taking medication even over-the-counter drugs or herbal supplements.

If you’re experiencing ototoxicity does that mean you should avoid taking your medication? You should immediately contact your doctor and report your symptoms, they will know what to recommend. And, keep yourself informed by always asking your doctor about the potential side effects of a medication, don’t hesitate to ask about ototoxicity. Also, schedule a hearing exam with a hearing care professional, a baseline hearing test is a proactive measure that can help you maintain good hearing health throughout your life.

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