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Love & Hearing Loss: Communication Strategies for Couples

Senior couple with hearing loss drinking morning coffee together

Hearing loss can impact many aspects of your daily life. Untreated hearing loss, for example, can affect your professional life, your favorite hobbies, and even your relationships. For couples who are struggling with hearing loss, communication can become strained. This can cause increased tension, more arguments, and even the growth of animosity. In other words, left unchecked, hearing loss can negatively affect your relationship in significant ways.

So, how does hearing loss impact relationships? In part, these tribulations arise because the parties are not aware of the hearing loss. After all, hearing loss is usually a slow-moving and difficult to notice condition. As a result, you (and your partner) may not recognize that hearing loss is the root cause of your communication issues. This can lead to both partners feeling alienated and make it difficult to find workable solutions.

Often, a diagnosis of hearing loss coupled with helpful strategies from a hearing specialist can help couples start communicating again–and improve their relationships.

Can hearing loss affect relationships?

It’s very easy to overlook hearing loss when it first presents. This can lead to significant misunderstandings between couples. As a result, there are some common issues that develop:

Often, this friction begins to occur before any formal diagnosis of hearing loss. Feelings of resentment may be worse when parties don’t suspect hearing loss is the core problem (or when the partner with hearing loss insists on ignoring their symptoms).

Tips for living with someone who has hearing loss)

If hearing loss can cause so much conflict in a relationship, how do you live with someone who has hearing loss? For couples who are willing to develop new communication strategies, this typically is not a problem. Some of those strategies include the following:

What happens after your diagnosis?

A hearing test is a relatively simple, non-invasive experience. In most cases, those who undergo tests will do little more than wear specialized headphones and raise a hand when they hear a sound. But a hearing loss diagnosis can be an important step to more effectively managing symptoms–and relationships.

Encouraging your partner to touch base with a hearing specialist can help ensure that hearing loss doesn’t undermine your happiness or your partnership.

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