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Recognizing Signs You May Have a Thyroid Issue

ENT specialist evaluating patient's thyroid.

“Perhaps it’s your thyroid.” You’ve heard this statement thrown around before. Everyone seems to suggest that you might have some sort of thyroid issue, yet you’ve never taken the time to truly contemplate what that could entail. In fact, you’re not even familiar with what a thyroid looks like!

As it turns out, thyroid conditions are quite prevalent. Researchers estimate that approximately 200 million individuals across the world grapple with thyroid-related issues.

So… perhaps your thyroid is indeed the culprit!

Understanding your thyroid

To gain insight into what triggers complications in the thyroid gland, it’s beneficial to delve into its function and normal behavior.

Your thyroid is a gland shaped like a butterfly nestled inside the neck, just below the larynx. Normally, you wouldn’t even be aware of its presence—it’s not something you can detect or feel (at least not when it’s functioning properly).

The thyroid plays a crucial role in breaking down iodine from your diet, producing essential hormones that regulate bodily functions and metabolism.

Thyroid problems typically manifest in two ways: excessive activity or insufficient activity—both of which result in noticeable symptoms.

What is hyperthyroidism?

An overactive thyroid leads to a condition known as hyperthyroidism. In such cases, the thyroid tends to generate an excess of hormones responsible for regulating metabolism.

This accelerated metabolic rate may seem advantageous at first glance, but it can trigger various issues such as:

Hyperthyroidism can stem from a range of factors, including Graves’ Disease or thyroiditis. It may have a genetic component or be linked to hereditary factors. Additionally, it tends to affect women more frequently and those with chronic illnesses.

Treatment for overactive thyroid usually includes thionamides, beta-blockers, or radioactive iodine treatment.

What is hypothyroidism?

Conversely, an underactive thyroid is termed hypothyroidism, resulting in a sluggish metabolism.

Symptoms may include:

Causes of hypothyroidism could include congenital conditions, iodine deficiency, pituitary disorders, or pregnancy.

Treatment for hypothyroidism usually involves synthetic hormones, which often lead to symptom alleviation upon commencement.

How to recognize thyroid disorders

Diagnosing thyroid conditions can be challenging as they sometimes mimic other ailments. So how can you discern if your thyroid is the culprit? Watch out for these six symptoms and consider scheduling an appointment with an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist if you experience them:

Thyroid conditions are manageable

Optimal thyroid function is crucial for overall well-being. If issues arise, an ENT specialist can help identify and address them. Most thyroid conditions are manageable and treatable, offering relief from symptoms.

Find a provider in your area to schedule an appointment by searching providers near you.

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