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The History of Hearing Aids

People using ear horns or, older types of hearing aid devices, during a party.

People using respirators and ear horns during speech - Scanned 1881 Engraving

There are three kinds of people in the world: people who find history to be amazingly interesting, people who think history is terribly dull, and people who believe history is full of aliens.

The history of hearing aids is not full of aliens (sorry not sorry). But it’s probably a lot stranger than you might think. After all, hearing loss isn’t exactly a new thing; it’s been around as long as humans have. As a result, people have been finding clever ways to cope with hearing loss for centuries–if not longer.

Knowing the history of your hearing aids can give you a deeper appreciation of how your own tiny, digital devices work–and why you should wear them more often.

Hearing loss has existed for thousands of years

Archaeologists have uncovered evidence of hearing loss that dates back to the dawn of humanity. (They can see signs of ear pathologies in fossil evidence. It’s pretty cool!) Mentions of hearing loss also start popping up once written language becomes a thing (for example, there are many Egyptian sources that discuss hearing loss symptoms).

Which is to say–hearing loss isn’t new. And it’s likely always kind of sucked (especially when left untreated). When you have untreated hearing loss, you will find it more difficult to communicate. You may lose touch with friends and loved ones. In a more “hunter and gatherer” style of society, you may also lose your ability to detect danger (leading to a shorter lifespan).

Humans, thus, have had a great incentive to treat hearing loss going back thousands of years. And they’ve even managed some great successes!

A timeline of hearing aid-style devices

It’s important to note that we don’t have a complete history of the hearing aid. Not all evidence of hearing devices is recorded through time. It’s likely that ancient humans did something to alleviate hearing loss, even if there’s no direct evidence of what that was.

Still, here’s what the known “hearing aid timeline” looks like:

The best hearing aids in history

Humanity has been working on and improving hearing loss for centuries–if not longer.
Modern hearing aids can accomplish that better than at any point in human history. And because they’re so effective, these little devices are also more popular than ever. They can help with a wider range of hearing issues.

In other words, these are tiny little miracles you can put in your ear!

So if you want to get back to reconnecting with your children or your family or the cashier at the checkout lane, hearing aids can help you do it. (See? No aliens involved.)

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